Verein Deutscher Industrie Designer (VDID)
Prof. Tomforde takes part in a panel discussion about “Mobility –  designing solutions together”,

On February 3rd, a digital event will take place with the main topic “Mobility – designing solutions together”.
How can systems in the environment of various stakeholder status symbols be converted to attractive, efficient and yet fun or joy-generating solutions?
How can mobility be better, safer, more relaxed, more enjoyable, more positive?
What is the function of design in this societal change?

Participants in this discussion:

Dr. Weert Canzler, head of the research group Digital Mobility and Societal Differentiation, Science Center Berlin
Alexander Forst, Head of Urban Design, Canyon Bycicles GmbH
Dr. Karena Kalmbach, Head of strategy and content department, Futurium GmbH
Prof. Johann Tomforde, Managing Partner, Teamobility, Boeblingen

Californien meets Baden-Württemberg
Prof. Johann Tomforde is a keynote speaker at the EVENT on January, 27th 2022
“Emerging ZEV Industries:  Innovation and the Go To Market”

Prof. Tomforde:
……..When we talk about „Next generation Leisure Mobility“, we need to understand what are the social and political challenges we have that are affecting mobility in general
–   The Paris Agreement on the Climate Action Plan 2050,
–   the temperature target, has set ambitious goals for the transport sector in particular.
–   cyber attacks, data breaches and “dieselgate”, a lack of trust in companies and industries 
–   Increasing awareness for climate protection & sustainability as well as
–   Air Pollution/fine dust discussion changes consumer behavior
–   Increasing requirements with respect to resources & eco-balance of prodcuts
–   the ever increasing gap between rich and poor
–   the Digital transformation leading to changes and disruption of business models

German Sustainability Award Design -> Interview with jury member Prof. Johann Tomforde

“There will be no ‘business as usual’ as before the latest crisis!”
Prof. Tomforde comments on this in an interview with representatives of the German Sustainability Award Design. The full text (german language) can be found here.

Technology Day Lightweight Construction Baden-Wuerttemberg 09./10.11. 2021
Participants visit TEAMOBILITY GmbH in Motorworld Böblingen

Participants of the Lightweight Construction Technology Day showed keen interest during a two-hour visit by TEAMOBILITY GmbH to the company’s pioneering projects on the subject of “Lightweight construction as one of the innovation drivers of future mobility”.

Prof. Johann Tomforde supports the startup SACCHA as mentor (more information here)

Prof. Tomforde discusses with representatives of the Starup SACCHA specific questions of the use of residual materials to improve the ecological footprint, target group-specific marketing in the B2B area and the right way to raise VC capital.

IAA 2021
Prof. Johann Tomforde and the management of CITY TRANSFORMER unveil the world’s first fully electric mobility solution that can intelligently adjust in size and properties while driving

About City Transformer

City Transformer develops a world-first all-electric mobility solution that intelligently transforms its dimensions and riding behavior while driving to meet the complex challenges of those who call the world’s largest cities “home”. 

Designed by city people around what city people truly need, City Transformer electric vehicles park and outsmart traffic like a motorcycle while riding safely and conveniently like a car. The City Transformer was named one of the “Top 10 Cars of IAA Mobility 2021” by Forbes and one of Time Magazine’s “Best Inventions of 2020”. 

TEAMOBILITY and the UCCON eco-system in the new film by Leichtbau Baden Württemberg on the subject of “lightweight construction in the urban system”.

Find out how the areas of architecture, mobility and logistics will continue to grow together in the future through integrated city and district planning. Through this link, we optimize the use of space in the city across all sectors and at the same time save valuable resources.

Dare to take a look into the future today and experience the potential in lightweight construction for you as a company, which lightweight construction opportunities await you and understand that it will be worthwhile to rethink.